Smoothies and Natural Juice

Give your Body more Life with Good Energy

por Numero



by Number

  1. Energizante (Energy)

    Jugo de Toronja, Apio y Remolocha
    (Grapefruit Juice, Celery and Beets)
  2. Digestion

    A. Jugo de Piña y Manzana
    B.Jugo de Naranja y Papaya
    (A. Pineapple Juice and Apple. B. Orange Juice and Papaya)
  3. Parla la Anemia (For Anemia)

    Jugo de Naranja, Remolacha y Zanahoria
    (Orange Juice, Beets and Carrots)
  4. Quita Resaca (Hangover)

    Jugo de Naranja, Manzana, Zanahoria y Remolacha
    (Orange Juice, Apple, Carrot and Beets)
  5. Para la Celulitis (Anti Cellulite)

    Pepinno, Remolocha, Manzana y Zanahoria
    (Cucumber, Beets, Apple and Carrot)
  1. Antigripal (Cold/Flu)

    Jugo de Naranja, Avena y Miel
    (Orange Juice, Oats and Honey)
  2. Desintoxicador (Detox)

    Jugo de Naranja, Toronja, Espinaca, Papaya y Piña
    (Orange Juice, Grapefruit, Spinach, Papaya and Pineapple)
  3. Para Bajar de Peso (Weight Loss)

    Limon, Perejil, Apio, Espinaca, Pepino y Manzana
    (Lemon, Parsley, Celery, Spinach, Cucumber and Apple)
  4. Fortalezer el Sistema Respiratorio (Strengthen Respiratory System)

    Jugo de Naranja, Mango y Yogurt Natural
    (Orange Juice, Mango and Natural Yogurt)
  5. Anti Envegecimiento (Anti Aging)

    Jugo de Manzana, Fresa y Yogurt Natural
    (Apple Juice, Strawberry and Natural Yogurt)

Crea tu Propio Jugo (Make Your Own Juice)

Elige tus ingredientes (4) favoritos. Ingrediente extra o proteina $1
(Pick your favorite ingredients (4). Extra ingredient or protein $1

por Numero



by Number